Analyzing Data with ADAGE

Working with Time Deltas

We're going to compute the time difference between successive events, which I'm calling time deltas. It's worth taking a second to think about how the delta is defined:

For the th event, the value is given by the simple equation below, where is the timestamp of the th event:

As a result, the very first event in a series will have a diff value of NaN or NaT (Not a Time), because the -1st event is undefined . But the second event will have a diff value of (Time of Second event - Time of First event). The very last event will also have a value: (Time of Last event - Time of Penultimate event).

The handy thing about pandas is that every data series (and a column counts as data series) has a diff() method, which does exactly what we want: it computes successive pairwise differences between events. If we apply the .diff() function to our timestamps, we'll have exactly what we want: a column of numbers where each number represents the time elapsed since the event that came before.

connectionEvents['delta1'] = connectionEvents.timestamp1.diff()

And, now that we have our column of deltas, how can we figure out where the big boring part starts? Well, the big boring part lasts a long time: multiple hours. So, what we're looking for is a huge time delta. Say a delta of more than five hours.

connectionEvents[connectionEvents.delta1 > np.timedelta64(5, 'h')]['timestamp']
4443    1400077592798
Name: timestamp, dtype: int64

Bingo! Event 4443 marks the finale of the long boring stretch. Now we can create two subsets of data, which I'll call day1 and day2, plot them separately, and cut out that big giant flatline from our original plot.

whenBoringPartEnds = 1400077592798
day1 = connectionEvents[connectionEvents.timestamp < whenBoringPartEnds]
day2 = connectionEvents[connectionEvents.timestamp >= whenBoringPartEnds]

# Creating the day1 plot
p = ggplot(aes(x='timestamp1',
p = p + geom_line()
p = p + ggtitle('Cumulative Distribution of MakeConnectComponent Events')
p = p + xlab('Time')
p = p + ylab('Event Count')

# Showing the plot

# Saving the plot

# Creating the day2 plot
p = ggplot(aes(x='timestamp1',
p = p + geom_line()
p = p + ggtitle('Cumulative Distribution of MakeConnectComponent Events')
p = p + xlab('Time')
p = p + ylab('Event Count')

# Showing the plot

# Saving the plot

Distribution of events from day 1

Distribution of events from day 2

OK, this is helpful. We can definitely see that even after we cut out the boring parts, the slope of this cumulative distribution varies pretty wildly over time: there are really steep parts and really shallow parts.

But now my question is: how do we understand that change in slope? It stands to reason that in regions of shallow slope, there are probably very few events happening overall. But what about the steep parts? How can we understand what's causing such sharp increases in the graph?

The most pertinent question for us—as game designers right now—is: are those steep-sloped regions caused by kids actually connecting blocks, or by something else?